Spiritual Direction

An Invitation to Explore Spiritual Direction 

When I lived in Los Angeles, I found a wildlife refuge not far from my house where I could wander and practice bird watching. I loved the large birds that stay in clear sight for a long time, waders like the blue heron or red tail hawks lazily circling on the thermals. One time I joined a beginner's bird walk sponsored by the local Audubon chapter. Even before we got to the lake, our guide was pointing out birds perching in the young cottonwoods by the stream and the egrets hunting in a field of dry grass. By the end of our walk, we had identified dozens of different birds, but more important than the details of markings and habitat, I began to look at the trees and the pond in new ways. I picked up something of my guide's way of walking slowly, stopping often to look and listen. A flash of movement did not indicate a bird that just flew away, but an invitation to patiently look to see where it might have gone.  

Spiritual direction can provide a space to slow down and pay attention to the movements of the Spirit in one’s life. You may be sensing a new longing for deeper connection with the Divine. You may be finding that old ways of praying no longer fit you. Or you just need a place to process what your spiritual journey has been like so far.  In Spiritual direction we listen together for the promptings of the Spirit in a confidential atmosphere, bearing witness to your spiritual journey.  It is a place to ask questions, to reflect on any and every part of life and above all to ask, Where is God for me in this place?

"There is a contemplative in all of us, almost strangled, but still alive, who craves quiet enjoyment of the Now, and longs to touch the seamless garment of silence which makes whole" (Alan P. Tory).  

As a Spiritual Director, I have been trained in a two-year program through StillPoint. I also have an M.Div degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and a variety of experience in various church ministries over the years.  I am open to working with believers of all denominations and traditions, and those who identify with none.

Contact me (mhenderson1234 at gmail) if you would like to explore the possibilities of spiritual direction either in person or online.


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